Hurstville Public School

Strive for Success

Telephone02 9587 3963

Learning at home

Learning at home


Hurstville Public School has developed the following student learning materials for each stage to support your child at home. 


Access to readers at home

For free access to reading materials for your child, go to:


Username: reading2020   

Password: reading2020


Here you will find levelled readers for your child to read, or to listen to as a readalong version. There are also readers linked to science, maths, phonics, languages including Mandarin, as well as picture books and traditional tales.

Please note: For this website to function correctly, you must use an up-to-date browser such as Chrome, FireFox, Edge or Safari.


This Parent Guide can help you identify the changes that have taken place at Hurstville Public School, and how Learning from Home will be delivered.

Chinese translated.



Early Stage 1


Stage 1


Stage 2


Stage 3

Additional resources

The Department of Education has compiled a comprehensive list of digital resources to support learning from home. These resources are listed under curriculum areas and are suitable for independent offline learning.

We suggest your child read each day for at least half an hour, either independently to themselves, to an adult or older sibling or, if appropriate, have a book read to them by an adult.

Below is an additional list of resources and suggestions to help support your child’s learning from home.


Support EAL/D Learners



Tips to support your child at home


Timetable or schedule

Use the timetables provided if possible to establish a daily routine. Display their timetable somewhere accessible and refer your child to it regularly.

Encourage your child to have routine breaks

Students need to be active, eat food and drink water. Taking care of themselves is important and will help them learn.

Set up a learning environment

Create a safe, quiet and comfortable learning space, free of distractions.


Additional information is available in our Parent presentations of supporting your child with Literacy and Numeracy.