The community language is delivered for two hours a week by specialist language teachers who are funded annually by the Department. Sometimes the language is integrated into other Key Learning Areas. We offer Community Language Mandarin for students K-6 in three pathways.
The First Language Learner Pathway
This pathway caters for students who have had their primary socialisation as well as initial literacy development and primary schooling in Chinese, and who use Chinese at home.
The Background Language Learner Pathway
This pathway has been developed for students who have exposure to Chinese language and culture, and who may engage in some active but predominantly receptive use of Chinese at home.
The Second Language Learner Pathway
This pathway caters for students learning Chinese as a second or additional language.
Our experienced Community language teachers will make decisions about which pathway best serves each student's needs, and use the pathways to cater for all learners by making any appropriate adjustments to differentiate learning experiences for their students.