Rules and policies are in place to make sure your child remains safe and well at school.
Visit the NSW Department of Education’s policy library for all current operational policies.
Our school uses the department's School Community Charter to ensure all of our communication is collaborative and respectful.
Attendance and absences
Students must attend school regularly so they can achieve their educational best and increase their career and life options.
In NSW, all children from the age of 6 are legally required to attend school or be registered for home schooling through the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). All students must complete Year 10, or its equivalent and remain in school, employment or training until they turn 17.
For more information about compulsory school attendance, visit:
Application for Extended Leave - Travel
Please complete Application for Extended Leave - Travel, attach itinerary and return to schoo office in person or via email:
School frameworks (school rules)
As well as following the department’s operational policies, we have developed frameworks for our students in line with our school’s values and commitments.
General Reminders
Our procedures help us to operate safely and efficiently, and reduce the opportunities for mistakes or misunderstandings to occur. Some of the key areas where your support and cooperation make such a difference, are listed below. It is important that all visitors to our school understand these procedures, so your help in making sure that people acting on your behalf – grandparents, aunties, neighbours, friends etc – are also fully aware of the procedures, would be most appreciated.
Please be aware that:
- There is no parent parking on school grounds.
- There is no pedestrian access for parents or children through the staff car parks.
- Adults must not use or enter children's toilet blocks. A toilet for adults and pre-schoolers is available at the entrance to the library.
- Students must not arrive at school before supervision commences at 8:35 am. Late arrivals (after 9:00 am) must collect a note from the office before proceeding to class.
- Early departure notes must be obtained from the office before a child is collected from class. Only adults who are listed on the student's enrolment form will be permitted to collect a student without prior authorisation from the parent to the school office.
- Safe driving and parking is required at all times in the vicinity of the school.
- There is no smoking at any time, or consumption of alcohol at events where children are present, on the school site.
- All visitors and volunteers must wear a visitor's badge (available from the office).
- Students are to be collected punctually at 3.00 p.m. Please call the office if you are delayed so that your child can be informed and instructed to wait for your arrival. Children should not wait in areas outside the school, where they are unsupervised.
- Only medication prescribed for an ongoing medical need will be given, if it complies with DEC policy and on completion of paperwork at the office. Apart from asthma puffers, children are not to keep any medication in their pockets or school bags. Short term medication (antibiotics, analgesics, drops, etc) will not be administered at school.
- A written explanation is required for student absences. Written application is required for extended leave. Forms are available on our website or from the office.
- Correct and complete school uniform is required for all students. A note should be provided if your child is unable to wear correct uniform on a particular day.
- Payment of money should be directly by the student to the class teacher in a clearly labelled envelope, detailing the student's name, class, amount enclosed and what payment is for. Money should be sent to school on Monday to Thursday only.
- As a safeguard for students with peanut and other allergies, children are not to share food or purchase food for others from the canteen.
- Please inform the office immediately of changes of address and/or telephone contact numbers. It is imperative that we can contact you quickly in the event of an emergency.
- Children are not to bring expensive items or toys to school. No responsibility can be taken for loss, theft or breakages of students' personal belongings.
- Mobile phones for students are strongly discouraged. If essential for safe travel to and from school, they must not be used at any time during the school day. Students must take full responsibility for the security of their phones and must use them in accordance with the best practices of cyber safety.
- Parents may wish to consider private insurance and medical cover for students, as there is no DET insurance scheme for accidental injury or lost or stolen items.
- Appointments to meet with teachers to discuss any aspect of your child's progress or development can be made through the office, or via a note to the teacher.
- Students are not to be approached by, or spoken to by, other parents to resolve issues concerning their children. Any concerns should be referred to teachers to address.
- No animals are to be brought on to school grounds.
- Please observe the rules of the Pick Up and Drop Off Zones in Orange Street and abide by all parking signs and road rules in streets around the school.